RESGEN Giving Life Podcast
Giving life – it’s the mission that Jesus came to fulfill and that we, as men, need to embrace as well…at work, at home and in our communities. Tom Henderson, speaker, author and founder of RESGEN invites you stop by and listen in on the conversation between he and some friends as they chat, laugh and explore ways for each of us to “Give Life” wherever we are.
RESGEN Giving Life Podcast
RESGEN Giving Life Podcast: Ep.72 Jason VanRuler
Season 4
Episode 72
Jason VanRuler is a licensed therapist, speaker, executive coach, and the author of his new book, Get Past Your Past: How Facing Your Broken Places Leads to True Connection.
On this episode of The RESGEN Giving Life Podcast, Jason and RESGEN Founder Tom Henderson visit about:
- Jason’s personal story of brokenness and healing
- The role forgiveness and vulnerability play in our ability to truly connect with others
- How we can overcome some of the biggest obstacles that get in the way of personal healing.
- Steps we can take that will help move us from brokenness to wholeness – both individually and in our relationships with others.
The Giving Life Podcast: Conversations about being a man whose life in Christ gives life to others.
Watch the video version on youtube - youtu.be/DLF7D8vwhLQ
More info about Restoration Generation - www.resgen.org